Weight Management

Nicole helps people make healthy lifestyle choices that promote weight loss and healthy eating.  Nicole loves food!!!! Her goal is to guide her clients to make the right food choices and develop habits they can sustain for years.  Nicole spends many hours grocery shopping and cooking for her family.  She loves to do shopping tours, pantry reviews, and family meal planning sessions with her clients. 

 Neurological Disorders

Nicole has almost 25 years of experience working with clients and their families to help them deal with nutrition issues when faced with ALS, Parkinson’s disease,  stroke, and dementia. Nicole has extensive knowledge on swallowing issues and feeding tube management.  Nicole understands the impact these diseases can have on a family and how important good nutrition is to their well being.

Wellness counselling

Nicole can help a person make positive food choices when faced with a variety of conditions.  Nicole uses the latest research to guide her in this process.

  • Cholesterol and lipid management

  • Hypertension

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

  • Type II Diabetes

Older Adults

Nicole's first passion is working with individual clients and families during the aging process and helping with nutrition issues that arise. Nicole has a deep understanding of swallowing changes and the impact they have on nutrition.   Nicole has done menu development and reviews for retirement homes and many presentations to older adults.